After I wrote the article about Microsoft's actions to battle the launch of the PS3 and the Wii , I started thinking: Why doesn't Microsoft buy all 400,000 PS3 launch units? Let's imagine if Microsoft had 400 rooms that looked like this: 100 ps3's from Japan So 400,000 PS3 units were projected by Sony, let's say an average price of $650 with tax for each unit. That would mean the whole lot would cost $260 Million, which is @20% of what Microsoft Entertainment lost in 2006. (Microsoft's Entertainment Division has lost $1.26 Billion in fiscal year 2006. source ) If they keep it away from the public during the busy gift buying Christmas holiday, people will just buy an Xbox 360 or a Nintendo Wii. But we're talking about slowing down Sony here. After all the hype has finished for the PS3, maybe by summer 2007, and Sony has ramped up production so that they can sell again to the public, Microsoft can then donate all 400,000 units to charity. The...