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I love Paris Hilton.

paris hilton slr mclaren
Paris had no trouble getting out.

paris hilton slr mclaren
Getting in was another story.

I bet the engineers at Mercedes Benz and McLaren never thought of this problem when they designed the 617 hp and almost half a million dollar SLR McLaren. How do you prevent a celebutard from decapitating herself on gullwing doors?


Laur said…
Hey...Paris Hilton made a li'l bit mistake...maybe she forgot that the dors are opening like that :D
Anonymous said…
Estupida,animal vegetal,abre la puerta poniendote mas atras!!!
Anonymous said…
u are a buntch of geaulous. get a life
Anonymous said…
hey im quiana.. i wanna be juss like yuu.. and im doiinqq you as my writiinqq projet.. im 15 years old.. nd i wanna be jusss like you

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